Act 2 Scene 1

Cassio is the first to arrive, and displays loyalty to Othello by asking the heavens to "give him defense against the elements" (II.1.50). He then compliments Othello's wife as having "wild fame" (II.1.68) and as being "divine" (II.1.80). He is also seen kissing the hands of both Desdemona and Emilia. Cassio seems to be a womanizer, and this is supported later in the story.

The conversation between Desdemona and Iago gives even more insight into his slimy character. He speaks of an average woman as one who will "go to bed to work" (II.1.128), one who is "fair and never proud" (II.1.163), and one who "could think and ne'er disclose her mind" (II.1.171). In other words, he sees women as pretty and quiet things to have screw around with. He views women as tools, and is very sexist.

After having to live with Iago, Emilia has developed an attitude towards her husband. When Iago so rudely insults her for talking too much, she states that she will not let him "write my praise" (II.1.129).

Othello's love for Desdemona is shown by some of the lines he uses. Upon seeing Desdemona he declares that he is in "heaven" (II.1.205) and even if he were to die at that moment, he would be "most happy" (II.1.206).

Act 2 Scene 2

A herald appears and makes a declaration that a feast will be held that night from 5:00pm-11:00pm in honor of both Othello's victory of the Turks and of his recent marriage.

Act 2 Scene 3

Othello goes to bed, leaving Cassio in charge of the night watch. Iago then joins him and talks (and sings) him into drinking, getting Cassio drunk. Roderigo than enters and goes to start a fight with Cassio. Cassio than starts a fight with Montano, wounding him. Othello then arrives to break up the fight. Upon finding out that it was Cassio who attacked Montano, he takes away his lieutanancy.

Rodergio, sore from his fight returns to Iago, who tells him that his efforts have had Cassio stripped of his rank, and that good things are in store.


Go To: Act 3

Made By: Phia, Pheng, Lee, Wit, & Thong